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West=On=Track -News

West on Track welcomes Appointment of Helen Rochford Brennan to Western Development Commission

Press Release 11th February 2008 


The West on Track Community Campaign warmly welcomes the appointment of Mrs. Helen Rochford Brennan to the Western Development Commission for a period of 3 years, commencing May 1st, 2008.

Mrs. Rochford Brennan of Tubbercurry, County Sligo, a prominent member of the steering committee of West on Track, has extensive senior management experience in the Tourism industry in Ireland and the UK, and has held Senior Executive roles in the US and UK. She is also actively involved with the Chamber of Commerce and has specialist knowledge in Marketing, Community Development and the Disability Sector.

Over recent years the Western Development Commission has played a pivotal role in researching and promoting the infrastructure needs of this region. We are confident that the expertise and experience of Helen Rochford Brennan will prove a valuable addition to the organisation.








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